J&A 20th Annual “Future City” – Kunming


The times are changing, the development of the future is always the deepest concern of the people. In the 20th anniversary of J&A, a series of event salons with the theme “Future City” has being held with the discussions of the present development and the trend of the future design.

The second stop of “Future City” in Chengdu was passed last week. We followed the step of J&A and came to the Ball Room in Niccolo Chendu Hotel. Kali, our Vice General Manager & Design Director for Interior, as the representative, shared the vision of JATO for “Future City”.

Stay tuned for more information for the next stop of “Future City” salon.

Highlight of Speakers


Fanny Ran

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
General Manager

The New Scene of the Future City

Fusing technology and creative design
Technology is changing the city every moment right before our eyes, but we believe technology is not the only force that is going to shape urban development in the future. Innovation and humanity are at the core of the development, and by combining both humanistic creative ideas and fast-growing technology, a new scene will emerge under this mutual influence.


Davy Liu

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Deputy General Manager – GM of Commerce Division

Unifying the Future City

Empower businesses with “borderless” design
Social behavior evolves as the city continues to develop rapidly. Collective trends dominated the market in terms of consumers behavior in the last century, and today, it is all about personalization and individuality. Base on the insights collected from big data, consumer trend is going to diversify in the future, and consumers are likely to broaden their shopping behavior. A multi-facade “Borderless” design approach can empower businesses by breaking down the border and achieve a multi-disciplinary integration. It will allow enterprises to reduce costs and sustain the momentum of growth.


Cong Zhao

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Design Director – Office Development

Theme Park Concept for Headquarter

Envision corporate mission through design
How to stay at the forefront of design? A curated headquarter is the answer. Design the headquarters office space with one theme – its corporate missions, shaping the offices, venues, facilities, events, performances, atmospheres, landscapes, ancillary facilities, and products with one unified theme.


Tracy Chen

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Operation director of SOHO Vita

Shaping The Future of Work

The flexible, creative workforce
5G technology has not only changed the rate of our information exchange, but it is also shaping the future of the traditional 9-5 workday. Going online has brought the Anytime, Anywhere, Anything concept to the workspace. SOHO Vita is committed to building the world’s most influential platform for design management and trading partners, integrating the world’s top design resources for interior design and construction projects, revolutionizing creative work with three cores advantages: “Geographic Time Difference,” “Borderless” and “Cost Control.”


CK Gan

JATO Design
Design Director – Architecture

Game Changer: Shaping the Future City with Design

Avant-garde vision for the best design
Urban problems such as aging infrastructure and an aging population are growing increasingly prominent. It is crucial for us to take a closer look at these problems, and to reinterpret the urban texture with “adaptive design,” using technology, data models and new sustainable materials to avoid or alleviate potential problems in the future.


Jerry Ho

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Design Director – Mixed-Use Retail

The Evolution of Commercial Design

From consumer experience to brand awareness
The rise of the Z-generation consumer trend has made the practical value of goods no longer the only concern. The trendiness and relevancy of both the products and purchase environment will play an essential role in social life. A thoughtfully designed interior helps enhance brand awareness with its consumers by creating aesthetic resonance. The multi-business solution is going to revolutionize the shopping environment and lead to the birth of a new commercial habitat.


Derrick Chow

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Assistant General Manager – GM of Healthcare & Senior Living

Creating a Healthcare Ecosystem

Design with care
The Chinese have a strong emotional tie to the concept of “home,” and the traditional elderly care environment has broken far away from “home.” The J&A healthcare team proposes to establish age-friendly healthcare and medical community and to bring a healing and heartwarming healthcare experience for the elderly with the “Ecosystem” design concept.


Lucas Liu

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Design Director – Property Business

The Future of A Home for Life

Utilize unlimited design in limited space
“Home” is a sentimental concept for the Chinese. With the steady increase of life expectancy, we are facing a need to fit three-generations in one space. To create a home for life, designers need to balance the contradiction between the increasing demand of required objects and the decrease of available space, through multi-functional research and development, technology, and standardization, we will utilize the useable areas to create living spaces that will meet future needs.