J&A 20th Annual “Future City” – Shanghai

28 JUNE 2019

In order to commemorate their 20th Anniversary, J&A has started a series of events with the theme “Future City”. Featuring an array of exhibitions and salons, the event aims to open a new discussion on the future of design and help sculpting the future.

‘Future City’ made its first appearance in Shanghai in June. As the Design Director for Architecture in J&A’s Subsidiary JATO, CK Gan was also invited to join the “J&A Future City Design Salon” in Shanghai to share his views on the possible future developments of a city.

The event was held in the Shipyard 1862, a magnificent place full of history and artistry located at the heart of Pudong New Area, juxtaposing with the theme yet enabling more innovation on the idea of a ‘Future City’.

Guests as well as members of J&A shared experiences and aspirations for the future, including exciting technologies, green ideas, and the efforts made to create a balance in ecological and environmental integrations. Bringing together past experiences and ideas, the exchanging and reciprocating sparked new ideas for the ‘Future City’.

Highlight of Speakers


Davy Liu

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Deputy General Manager – GM of Commerce Division

Future City, Integration is the Key

As a service provider in Urban Construction, J&A has kept up with the fast-paced trends and maintained the upper hand by connecting factions between businesses and cultural sectors, assimilating their benefits and bringing more value to the projects at hand.


CK Gan

JATO Design
Design Director – Architecture

Game Changer – Shaping a Future City

Looking through the lens of an architect from a perspective of environmental change, it is important to reinforce the relationship between the building design and its environment. By giving back to the society and utilising parameterised softwares, it is possible to sculpt a new path for our future cities, with modularisation being the real game changer.


Jerry Ho

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Design Director – Mixed Use Retail

Design to Empower, Shape a Better Life

The world is changing, and so is the way people spend. Future commercial spaces will have to shift to a more experience-driven direction with current spending trends. Technology, Arts, and Culture will become key factors to push forward a change in the field of Commercial Businesses. Caring for the people is the key to creating a good environment, and J&A wholeheartedly devotes time and effort to uphold these values.


Cong Zhao

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Design Director – Office Development

The Design Bloodline

Inspired by the design of leading business news provider Bloomberg’s headquarters, the term ‘bloodline’ is used to describe finding inspiration from Science, Culture, and the Environment. The bloodline flows within each design, existing and reverberating within each corner. J&A has already taken the initiative to create its own bloodline by helping property owners find free solutions for utilising the indoors.


Joe Wang

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Design Director

The Spending Trend in China and why it Matters

With new trends like ‘New Retail’ and ‘Consumption Upgrade’, the millennial are hardly satisfied by the monotonous shopping experience. Creating spaces where diversity and creativity exist might be the key to sculpting malls in the future, especially with concepts such as ‘Small Businesses’ and ‘Healing Economy’ on the rise.


Derrick Chow

Jiang & Associates Creative Design
Assistant General Manager – GM of Healthcare & Senior Living

Health Care and the Environment

Every industry must take heed to the sustainable ecological relationship that it maintains, that also applied to Health Care. By putting ourselves into the shoes of those we care about, we can utilise design to create an environment where loving and caring for the community is valued. Design is more than a showcase of creativity, it is a way to show love, care and perseverance.